Welcome to Michael Oster Photography

“Nice camera! Yeah, right.”

Architectural / Interiors / Aviation / Real Estate

Detailed reality with an artistic edge. Immersive, gorgeous, breathtaking, and compelling. Many offer this kind of photography, but very few excel at it. I specialize in photographing buildings, architecture, businesses, interiors, aircraft and real estate. And I can create the dynamic images that you’re looking for.

“This is my Rebellion”

Let’s go even farther. Forget what you know. Forget what you’re told photography should be. The rules? The trends? They were never mine to follow.

Vintage Glass

Old Glass on New Digital Cameras. Putting decades-old lenses on my modern cameras has been ‘life changing’ for me. Talk about artistic character and nostalgic charm. Join me on this journey into the past.


My first photographic book is now shipping! It’s gorgeous! Featuring 72 images among 53 pages. Structure offers a wide variety of some of my favorite photographs from recent years. Each copy is signed, numbered and dated by me.


If you’re looking for my CD release “Suburban Thunder”, you’ve come to the right place. I’m the one responsible for the recording. As times have changed, it’s no longer available as a CD, but you can get the digital version with the same sound quality from my bandcamp page. Also, it’s available on Apple iTunes, Spotify and more.